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Research Workshop: Beyond Participation. Reaching Institutional Openings, Monday 7th till Wednesday 9th December 2020. The workshop took place as online webinar via Zoom

Research Workshop: Beyond Participation. Reaching Institutional Openings, Monday 7th till Wednesday 9th December 2020. The workshop took place as online webinar via Zoom

This online workshop offered researchers and graduate students opportunities to discuss new methodological approaches for the analysis of cultural productions at theatres, festivals and other arts institutions, where these are often instrumentalized by neoliberal agendas and policies while also producing socialized precarization, and still remain exclusive cultural spaces. This has resulted in various attempts to go beyond the paradigm of participation and produce new institutional openings, which we will debate in six themed seminar sessions, structured around preparatory reading, which participants are asked to read in advance.

Keynotes Schedule and Registration