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Online Workshop "Curation as a Social Practice", 7th – 8th of May 2021

Online Workshop "Curation as a Social Practice", 7th – 8th of May 2021

During the online workshop the concept of curating will be discussed in four talks, each with its own unique perspective, such as network analysis, transfer of knowledge, the process of institutionalizing and curatorial practices. The talks by Martina Groß, Julian Warner, Gideon Ime Morison and Marta Keil address researchers as well as theatre and performance practitioners to envision opportunities for discussion. With kindly support of SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation), MVUB (Mittelbauvereinigung der Universität Bern) and Fondation Johanna Dürmüller-Bol. The links to zoom-meetings and full abstracts will be sent on registration.

Further Informations and Registration