Digital research methods in German Dance and Theatre studies exist so far only in individual projects and initiatives (e.g. Academy of Digital Humanities in Research LMU München, AG Archiv GTW). The primary goal of the workshop was therefore to establish a discourse between institutes of theatre studies on the one hand and archives on the other. The international Workshop posed therefore two major questions: 1) What possibilities does data-based research offer the subject of theatre and dance studies? 2) What requirements exist with regard to the data, which is used for research? These questions were discussed in thematic workshops (Digitization of 3D Objects and Interactive DH Tools in Theatre Science Research, Beyond the Database: Linked Research, Semantic Publishing and the Epistemological Challenges of a Future Web of Performance, Archives, Data Models and Vocabularies, Sustainability). The program was supplemented by two keynote lectures by Prof. Dr. Sarah Bay-Cheng and Dr. Doug Reside.
Invited Speakers and Participants: PD Dr. Birgit Peter (Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna), Dr. Klaus Illmayer (Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna), Franziska Voß (Specialised Information Service (SIS) Performing Arts, University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt), Prof. Beat Estermann (Institute Public Sector Transformation, Bern University of Applied Sciences), Nora Probst (Institute of Media Culture and Theatre, University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Ulf Otto (Institute of Theater Studies, LMU Munich), Simone Gfeller (Institute of Theater Studies, University of Bern), Christine Henninger (International Theatre Institute Germany), Sara Tiefenbacher (University of Vienna), Janina Piech (University of Vienna), Anne-Catherine Sutermeister (Dienstchefin für Kultur Kanton Wallis). The Workshop was co-organized by Dr. Birk Weiberg, PD Dr. Heidy Greco-Kaufmann and Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Portmann